Excreción de cloruro de sodio en dos poblaciones de la rana neotropical, Rana palmipes Spix, en el sur del Estado de Veracruz, México.


  • Edward J. Greding, Jr. Department of Biology, Del Mar College, Corpus Christi, Texas


Rana palmipes Spix, Excreción de cloruro de sodio


Twenty-four specimens of Rana palmipes Spix from two populations in southern Veracruz, México, were studied in an effort to determine whether or not a population living in fresh water of a higher than normal NaC1 content would possess a physiological mechanism for concentration and excretion of excess NaC1, and, if so, what method would be employed. The normalities of the water in the two selected collecting sites were too near the same value to render conclusive results, but on the basis of the infom1ation gained it is concluded that frogs in the higher normality water are not excreting urine of higher salt concentration than are frogs of the fresh-water population, and therefore may be excreting more urine per unit of body size. No means of measuring this factor was available.



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How to Cite

Greding, Jr., E. J. . (2021). Excreción de cloruro de sodio en dos poblaciones de la rana neotropical, Rana palmipes Spix, en el sur del Estado de Veracruz, México. Revista Comunicaciones Científicas Y Técnológicas, 1(2), 49–55. Retrieved from https://revistas.ues.edu.sv/index.php/comunicaciones/article/view/2025