Book review Stories of Civil War in El Salvador: a Battle Over Memory by Erik Ching


  • Mario Vázquez Olivera CIALC - UNAM


El Salvador, historical memory, Civil War, Memory Communities


Based on a extensive review of memoirs and testimonies of the Salvadoran Civil War, the author of this book stablishes the existence of four clearly discernible memory communities, defined in terms of their narrative patterns and their interpretations of the armed conflict: civilian elites, military officers, guerrilla leaderships, and rankand- file combatants. Although this approach in not free of debatable aspects, Erik Ching’s work constitutes a formidable study on the narrative representations of the civil war and the formation of historical memory in El Salvador


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Balmore, C. (2020) Soldados en combate II. Círculo de Escritores Militares de El Salvador.

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Ching, E. (2016) Stories of Civil War in El Salvador: A Battle over Memory. University of North Carolina Press, 2016.

Ching, E. (2013) Authoritarian El Salvador: Politics and the Making of the Military Regimes, 1880-1940. University of Notre Dame Press.

Ching, E., Lara, R., y Lindo-Fuentes, H. (2007) Remembering a Massacre in El Salvador: The Insurrection of 1932, Roque Dalton and the Politics of Historical Memory. University of New Mexico Press.

Irwin-Zarecka, I. (1994) Frames of Remembrance: The Dynamics of Collective Memory. Transaction Publishers.

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Sprenkels, R. (2017) “El trabajo de la memoria en Centroamérica. Cinco propuestas herísticas en torno a las guerras en El Salvador, Guatemala y Nicaragua”. Revista de Historia N° 76.



How to Cite

Book review Stories of Civil War in El Salvador: a Battle Over Memory by Erik Ching. (2025). Revista Humanidades, 1, 187-199.