Uso de Herramienta de Supervisión Remota de Exámenes en Línea Durante Covid-19

Experiencia de Docentes



remote monitoring, proctoring tool, proctoring, online exams, online proctoring


: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, face-to-face classes were suspended, but quickly had to adapt to emergency remote education, using as main resources the tools for videoconferencing and educational platforms. Examining students generated concern and uncertainty in teachers and educational entities since there was no guarantee that students would commit dishonest actions when answering digital exams, so Galileo University implemented a tool for remote supervision of digital exams in its educational platform. With the main objective of describing the experience that teachers of Universidad Galileo have had when activating remote supervision in online exams during COVID-19 during the years 2020 to 2022, a quantitative study was conducted, with an exploratory-descriptive approach, in which 35 teachers of the university participated. As a result, teachers who indicated using this type of supervision detected that student committed dishonest actions such as leaving the exam, opening other pages, chatting, among others. As a main conclusion, it is evident that the remote supervision tool has supported and facilitated the teaching work when taking online exams, since it promotes educational quality by ensuring that students answer the online exams without committing dishonest actions and thus certifying their knowledge


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