General inventory and zoning of vegetation at the mouth of the Mizata River, Teotepeque, La Libertad


  • Oscar Armando Molina Consultor independiente
  • Edgar Stanley Blanco Instituto de Ecología, A.C., Centro Regional del Bajío, México


Beach vegetation, land use, vegetation zoning, gallery forest, subtropical humid forest, vegetation inventory


146 species were found distributed in 59 families. 6 vegetation zones were described and spatially delimited at the mouth of the Mizata River, Teotepeque: Discontinuous rural fabric, tourist use zone, agricultural use zone, gallery forest, beach vegetation, and subtropical humid forest. The consolidated general vegetation inventory is presented with taxonomic information, conservation status, and distribution of the species found in the study area. 88.36% of the species found are of native distribution and 17.64% are of exotic origin.


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How to Cite

Molina, O. A., & Blanco, E. S. (2024). General inventory and zoning of vegetation at the mouth of the Mizata River, Teotepeque, La Libertad. Scientific Outreach Magazine AQUACIENCIA, 3(1), 24–41. Retrieved from


