Influence of Hegel on the Reflective Thought of Francisco Gavidia and what the salvadoran people can learn from it.



Thought, reflection, Hegel, Gavidia, influence


Gavidia is maybe the most famous poet and writer in El Salvador’s entire history. However, is important to notice that for the huge number of texts that he leave as heritage, is not easy to access them. It seems that not even with all his fame it has been possible to popularized each one of all his writings, even the most relevant. This lack of reach means that much of what he wrote is unknown, and with it the message he wanted to convey to the population was lost. And it is precisely the most relevant part of this message the main objective that this essay aims to make known, but not before reviewing and contrasting it through the comparative method with a key influnece for the autor, that of the german philosopher Friedrich Hegel. It is in this presentation of main ideas and comparison between both, where it is intended to discover what Gavidia is trying to communicate and what benefit there may be for the population, since it makes no sense to affirm the importance of the poet in the country, without the majority of the salvadorans being able to recognize why


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Author Biography

  • Rafael Omar Maldonado Martínez, Universidad de El Salvador

    Licenciado en Filosofía


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How to Cite

Influence of Hegel on the Reflective Thought of Francisco Gavidia and what the salvadoran people can learn from it. (2025). Revista Humanidades, 1, 41-82.