Formación Docente y la Aplicación de la Neurodidáctica en la Enseñanza Superior



neuroscience, neuroeducation, neurodidactics, teacher training


: Due to the need to restructure and innovate educational systems, the neuroeducation and neurodidactic foundations represent an option that promises to improve and innovate teaching processes by incorporating strategies that take into account how the brain learns. The fact that teachers are trained to put this knowledge into practice becomes a latent necessity for all educational levels, including higher education. For this reason, in the present study the objective of this study was established: to find out if the teachers of the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Galileo have learned about neurodidactics. Based on this, the specific objective was to identify which elements of neurodidactics are applied by teachers in their teaching methodologies. The study was based on a qualitative approach, with a descriptive scope and a non-experimental design. Fourteen teachers from the mentioned Faculty participated in the study. The results obtained demonstrated that most of the teachers not only have not received training in neurodidactic contents, but that half of them were not trained to become teachers either. However, some teachers apply, in a certain degree, some strategies related to neurodidactics foundations intuitively or because of their teaching experience


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