Estrategia Didáctica para Desarrollar un Esquema Gráfico y Algebraico del Concepto de Solución de Una Ecuación Diferencial Ordinaria

Un Estudio de Casos



schemas, ordinary differential equations, algebraic route, graphic route, graphical-algebraic approach


In this work, a didactic strategy is presented to develop a graphic-algebraic schema of the concept of solution of a first-order ordinary differential equation, as well as a characterization of a student's schema after concluding a learning sequence under said strategy mediated with GeoGebra. The research methodology is qualitative in nature and is based on a case study with a fifth semester student of the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics. The data were obtained from a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. The student's productions show that their actions and processes are strongly linked to the algebraic and algorithmic mode of thinking, with weak cognitive connections between the algebraic and graphic routes. Therefore, it can be concluded that the student has developed a weak graphic-algebraic schema of the concept of solution of a first-order ordinary differential equation, which has not been consolidated as an object.


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