Opinion of the student community of the Facultad Multidisciplinaria Paracentral on the exception regime in El Salvador





Universidad de El Salvador, Exceptional regime, Human Rights, Authoritarianism, Democracy


Objective: Investigate the knowledge and opinion of the student community of the Facultad Multidisciplinaria Paracentral about the exception regime implemented by the government. Methodology: The research was developed under a quantitative approach, using the survey technique, with a stratified sample of 324 students from the 12 courses of the Faculty, taking gender equity as an inclusion criterion. Results: Of the total number of people surveyed about the implementation of the exception regime, less than half are aware of this situation; however, only 30% expressed nowledge of the specific measures regarding restrictions on rights. It is notable that 81.7% claimed to know about arrests without investigation carried out in this context. More than 50% of the student population expressed a favorable opinion about the investment in the exception regime and a little more than 40% stated that it has generated little or no fear in the university community. Likewise, more than 50% expressed themselves unfavorably regarding the increase in the defense budget and the reduction in the education budget. Furthermore, most of the population expressed an unfavorable opinion about the way in which the captures are being carried out. It is highlighted that 76.5% of the population surveyed recognized an improvement in security and 74.9% identified that small and medium-sized companies no longer pay extortions; while more than 50% of the population recognizes as disadvantages: the death of innocent people, the violation of human rights, intimidation and repression by the military forces, and the increased possibility of being arrested. Conclusion: The student community of the Facultad Multidisciplinaria Paracentral of the Universidad de El Salvador has little knowledge about the implementation and investment of resources in the emergency regime. Although a favorable opinion is identified regarding investment in the regime, this situation changes when considering the increase in the defense budget and the reduction in the education budget. The majority of the student population recognizes that the implementation of the emergency regime has generated advantages in terms of security, but disadvantages are also identified in compliance with human rights.


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How to Cite

Barrera Ramírez, M. A. ., Cañas Villalta, W. C. ., Echeverría Flores, Y. de J., Escolán Reyes, . M. . B. ., Esquivel Lizama, Y. E. ., Hernández Nieto, K. A. ., … Dávila Medina, M. I. . (2023). Opinion of the student community of the Facultad Multidisciplinaria Paracentral on the exception regime in El Salvador. Revista Jiboa, 1(1), 35–44. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10045740