Violencia visible e invisible en la vida cotidiana de Mejicanos, San Salvador
Violencia cotidiana y contradicciones, Guerras urbanas, Familias y sector informal, Violencia visible e invisible.Abstract
This article revisits ethnographic work conducted in 2013. It follows the work of everyday violence of children and families working in the informal economy in gangcontrolled territories in Mejicanos, San Salvador. Literature on violence has widely analyzed the visible and invisible dimensions of violence, particularly in relation to political and economic structures. In this article, we contribute to this theoretical production through the notion of “apparent tranquility” to show the multiple registers of everyday life in tension between the visibility and invisibility of violence. In the case of Mejicanos, gang violence was obscuring the contradictions through which people were negotiating their unstable economic conditions of life, as well as the increasingly important place of gangs in their lives. These tensions were always present and shaping the ways in which postwar violence is experienced as more critical than the violence of the war (1980-1992).
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