the Influence of Pop Culture of the Sixties and Seventies in the University Identity


  • Andrea María López Fernández


Pop Culture, University Identity, Rock Music


Pop Culture is present within the University contracultural movements of the sixties and seventies. Mentioned in music (rock), fashion and finally, film criticism of the time. In this first part the musical problem is addressed: the Salvadoran bands, belonging to the “New Age”, are the first stage in which youth pop culture shines. Although these bands are not directly related to the emergence of the new Salvadoran left, in some songs they echo the concerns of the youth of the decade, such as the Vietnam War and the Salvadoran military governments. By the beginning of the seventies, at the University of El Salvador there was a break in the perception of cultural products from the United States, they were seen and labeled as “imperialist”: protest music took the lead in the social dynamics of the students. However, there were several alliances between popular youth rock groups and Salvadoran protest folk groups. Thus allowing elements of Hippie culture and the music of some American singers (Mostly the music of Bob Dylan) to sneak through the barrier that tried to keep them out


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How to Cite

the Influence of Pop Culture of the Sixties and Seventies in the University Identity. (2025). Revista Humanidades, 1, 139-186.