Perspectiva y Aplicación Docente de la Evaluación Basada en Competencias en Educación Superior
Life skills, student assessment, assessment technique, engineering, higher educationAbstract
Competency Based Education is a formative process that implies holistic development of human capacities. In consonance with this approach, teaching and evaluation processes must be in accordance with the development of life skills. The objective of this study was to determine the congruence between evaluation techniques and competency approach in the course of Environmental Management which is taught at the Faculty of Engineering of Universidad Don Bosco. From a qualitative perspective, data collection techniques consisted on an interview to seven professors who taught that course in 2018 and 2019, a documentary review of the teaching planning, the applying of a checklist and a guide to determine concordance between the techniques and principles of competency assessment. The analysis was carried out by triangulation of the information in the dimensions of conception and intention of the evaluation and the techniques used. Research findings show that teachers conceive evaluation as a way to measure student achievement and feedback as a process focused on low-achieving students; besides, the consistency of the evaluation techniques used by professors under the competence approach is low. The foregoing findings allow to conclude that it is very important to deepen in the suitability of the selected evaluation techniques and its connection to the principles of the competence approach.
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