The influence of the Cordoba Reform on the University of El Salvador and its current situation

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Alexander Eugenio Enrique Arévalo Jacobo


Objective: analyze the changes implemented by the University of El Salvador from the mid-twentieth century influenced by the Cordoba Reform of 1918, to the present. Method: the method used was the analytic-synthetic, combined with the logical history of the problem. because the sources consulted were bibliographical. Results: the systematization carried out of different approaches and theories that deal with the reform of Córdoba and the different contexts that favored it, the reforms promoted in the University of El Salvador, as well as the authors who have dealt with the relevance and historical context of the University of El Salvador. The Savior. university thinking and the influences of the reforms promoted in the history of the University of El Salvador were identified. Conclusion: faced with this situation, the University of El Salvador promoted reforms aimed at achieving autonomy, teaching effectiveness, academic quality in student training, university extension, curricular modernization, and the democratization of gratuity as a fundamental part of facilitating access. to the university and in professional training that responds to the demands of a Salvadoran society that demands transformation in the different social, political and cultural spheres.


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How to Cite
Arévalo Jacobo, A. E. E. (2023). The influence of the Cordoba Reform on the University of El Salvador and its current situation. Revista Multidisciplinaria De Investigación - REMI, 2(1), 167–173.


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