Socio-Economic Analysis of Families in the Department of San Vicente During the First Quarter of 2024


  • Jossué Henríquez



Situación socioeconómica, acceso a servicios básicos, ingresos familiares, análisis cuantitativo.


The socio-economic study carried out in the department of San Vicente, El Salvador, during the first quarter of 2024, aimed to analyse the living conditions of families in the region. The research was based on a descriptive quantitative approach, structured in three phases: planning, execution and data analysis.

In the planning phase, a questionnaire with closed questions was designed to assess various socio-economic dimensions, such as housing conditions, access to basic services, household income and expenditures. The implementation phase involved the distribution of the questionnaire through surveys, using probability sampling methods to ensure adequate representation of the department's population.

During the data analysis phase, the responses collected were processed and analysed using SPSS and SQL Server statistical software. Frequency analysis and crosstabulations of variables were carried out to identify patterns and differences in the socio-economic conditions of households, taking into account factors such as household size, level of education and main occupation.

The analysis of frequencies and cross-referencing of variables showed that 71.17% of the families live in their own homes, while 13.77% live in family homes and 9.35% rent their homes. In terms of access to basic services, 98.2% of the families have electricity, 89.4% have access to drinking water, 54.0% have cable television, 48.6% have internet and 24.4% have telephone service. In addition, 96.30% of households have at least one employed member, and a significant 44% were already formally employed at the time of the survey.


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How to Cite

Socio-Economic Analysis of Families in the Department of San Vicente During the First Quarter of 2024. (2024). Revista Jiboa, 2(1), 43-54.