About the Journal
The revista Conjeturas Sociológicas meets the academic characteristics of scientific dissemination where the best works of the academic community with scientific production in Sociology, as well as in other areas related to the Social Sciences, are published.
To disseminate the knowledge generated in the area and expressed in the analysis of the events that mark the social, economic, political and technological changes of the national and international reality.
The journal is aimed at an academic public comprising researchers, teachers and students both nationally and internationally.
The journal is published every four months, with three issues published annually, corresponding to the periods January - April, May - August and September - December.
Additionally, special issues may be published if requested by members of the Academic Community of the University of El Salvador or external to UES.
Conjeturas Sociológicas is currently indexed in Latindex, REDIB, Amelica, LatinREV, among others. There is a commitment to expand the journal's indexing beyond the regional level. This effort is part of the project for the Strengthening of Scientific Journals at the University of El Salvador.
The ideas and opinions contained in the papers and articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily express the views of the University of El Salvador.
Revista Conjeturas Sociológicas de la Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Oriente, Universidad de El Salvador, Departamento de Humanidades, Sección Sociales. Km. 144 Carretera al Cuco, Cantón El Jute, San Miguel. El Salvador, Central America