Cuarta revolución industrial. Impacto de la inteligencia artificial en el modo de producción actual.


  • Iigor Piotr Beraud Martínez Estudiante de Doctorado en Gestión de las Organizaciones


Cuarta revolución industrial, Inteligencia artificial, Desarrollo, Fourth industrial revolution, Artificial intelligence, Development


The present work intends to make a revision of the conditions through which humanity will cross in the short and medium term. The total establishment of the designated Fourth Industrial Revolution, likewise its effects in matter; social, economic, labor are of interest for this analysis. From this, it is possible to identify the Artificial Intelligence as one of its main architects. Derived from what has already been pointed out, it is necessary to make a journey, through different stages, seeking to contextualize the arrival to this new episode of capitalism, also to know the entrenching elements of the aforementioned event. In the end, some opinions will be expressed by way of conclusion.


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How to Cite

Cuarta revolución industrial. Impacto de la inteligencia artificial en el modo de producción actual. (2018). Conjeturas Sociológicas, 6(16), 43-57.