The multidimensional and inter-temporary networks of the capitalist power system and the revolution of thought in Latin America


  • Eligio Cruz Leandro Académico del Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas de la Universidad Autónoma de México


Intertemporal networks, power, inequality, thought, alternative mode


Poverty, exclusion and violence in Latin America are the product of the configuration and evolution of the capitalist system, which can be observed in three dimensions of its history in which multidimensional and intertemporal networks of power were formed, integrated by international oligopolies. allied to the bourgeoisies and local elites, who have controlled the markets, governments and especially the thinking of the people in Latin America; to make it appear that the conditions suffered by the peoples are natural and part of an economic and competitive process, in which we have been inefficient and unable to reach higher levels of development. On the other hand, it is shown that there is not one thought, but many Latin American thoughts, local, contextual and situated, that at different stages of our history have rebelled against oppressive regimes; Thoughts that have not been the product of the political elites or the enlightened bourgeoisies, but have emerged from below, in practice, from the local; however, they have been annihilated by the different mechanisms of power, control and submission of authoritarian governments. Finally, as an alternative, the nature of complex Latin American thought is exposed, as well as the importance of networks of resistance and collaboration, also a product of the historical evolution of the original peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, which represent possibilities of organization and coexistence, based on ancestral practices of community collaboration.


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How to Cite

The multidimensional and inter-temporary networks of the capitalist power system and the revolution of thought in Latin America. (2021). Conjeturas Sociológicas, 9(24), 78-103.