Japan and Turkey
Free Trade Agreement negotiations to be signed
Economic Agreements, Trade Relations, Free TradeAbstract
Since 2018, Turkey and Japan have been developing negotiations for the signing of a Free Trade Agreement, which are still under review. This future Treaty seeks to replace the Mutual Investment, Promotion and Protection Agreement signed in 1933. Furthermore, its implementation aims to strengthen the importance of the Incentive System based on projects that from the perspective of both countries will have an impact on the investment chain, production & export development. It is argued that such alliance will boost the interaction between this two States, leading to a more prominent presence in the international context, since these countries do not belong to the Western scheme. The objective of this research is to analyze the development of the negotiations, which aim to culminate in the bilateral signing of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA). Based on a qualitative methodology, founded on the analysis of an exhaustive bibliographic review, the investigation concludes that the Turkish Neootomanism confronts the Japanese Traditionalism to demonstrate that, while opposites can be attracted, the need to make progress in the negotiations leading to a joint agreement is clear, although the disadvantages that FTA´s can bring are not considered
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