The state’s role in agricultural credit, institutions, and the credit system in Sinaloa in the 20th-century agribusiness
State, Banking, Institutions, Credit, Agriculture, SinaloaAbstract
1910-1920), the State assumed a more active role in promoting economic activities to achieve a rapid recovery of the economy in the face of the adverse effects that the country had suffered during the years of political and social instability and the destruction of the economic infrastructure caused by the armed confrontations in various regions of the Mexican Republic. With a new constitution in 1917, the general basis for more significant state intervention in the economy was established, and a new institutional framework was created. One of the spheres in which these new forces manifested themselves was the financial sphere. This paper analyzes and explains the active role played by the Mexican State in the restructuring of the banking system in the country and the state of Sinaloa, the intervention of the federal government in the creation of private and official banks, and the favorable institutional framework for the promotion of agricultural credit. he work is divided into six sections: the role of the State and the new institutional framework in the restructuring of the banking system, the institutions and credit system in agriculture, the reorganization of the banking system in Sinaloa after the Revolution, and financing for the agriculture, participation of the State in the creation of Banco de Sinaloa, S.A., the role of the State in the emergence of Banco del Noroeste de México, S.A de C.V., the role of the State in the emergence of Banco Provincial de Sinaloa, S.A., and the conclusions.
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