The women's suffrage movement in El Salvador (1930-1950)



Suffragism, Social movement, Rights, Political participation, Women


Throughout world history, women have been the focus of inequality, social, political and economic exclusion, relegating them only the space within the domestic sphere, a task that has become naturalized over time, however, it is impossible not to highlight the role of women in social movements, becoming subjects of change and incidence with respect to positions against the patriarchal system that continues to shape the social fabric to this day. In this context, suffragism emerges as the first step towards the reconfiguration of rights, demanding equality before the law that corresponded to them by their own right, likewise, El Salvador is not the exception, since, by 1930, a one of the most representative figures in the country, being Prudencia Ayala, who would later seek to insert herself into the political sphere towards the candidacy for the presidency despite the negative arguments of people in power. The objective of this document is to analyze the role of Salvadoran women within the suffrage movement and their contribution to change the conditions that were structurally imposed on them. Despite the fact that the constitution maintained a strong refusal and obstacles to the full participation of women, the women's organization gained momentum and power to the point of manifesting them through radio broadcasts, writings, and books. These media were used to demonstrate the shortcomings of the Salvadoran state in terms of equality, all from the perspective of the oppressed


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Author Biography

  • Amanda de Jesús Muñoz Cruz, Universidad de El Salvador

    Estudiante del octavo semestre de la carrera de Licenciatura en Sociología de la Facultad Multidisciplinaria Oriental


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How to Cite

The women’s suffrage movement in El Salvador (1930-1950). (2023). Conjeturas Sociológicas, 11(31), 84-101.