University autonomy

Results for the University of El Salvador



University, Autonomy, Higher education, University development


It is known that the Central American region became independent from the Spanish monarchy on September 15, 1821, the specific case of the State of El Salvador, was declared sovereign and independent in February 1841, a particular year, since the creation and opening of the from the University of El Salvador, better known as the UES. The fundamental objective of this work is to make society aware of the incessant struggle that renowned intellectuals of El Salvador sustained to achieve the creation and Autonomous operation of the UES and from that achievement, manage the institution taking into account its academic autonomy. and administrative, to smoothly promote teaching, research and extension. This work was achieved through the application of the Historical-Logical theoretical method according to Torres (2019), as well as the application of the documentary review and analysis method proposed by Solís Hernández (2003). This allowed, to carry out the search and review of documents that describe the historical context of the UES, and to generate the evidence that shows Salvadoran society, that, in effect, the University of El Salvador enjoys its own autonomy


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Author Biographies

  • José Fidel Alvarado Sánchez, Universidad Nacional de Ciencias Forestales

    Docente Investigador

  • Máryuri García González, Centro de Estudios para el Perfeccionamiento de la Educación Superior

    Investigadora y subdirectora de Ciencia


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How to Cite

University autonomy: Results for the University of El Salvador. (2023). Conjeturas Sociológicas, 32, 35-61.