Historical memory
conceptual aspects and perspectives from the experience of memory museums in El Salvador
memory, memory works, museum of memory, human rights, repopulation communitiesAbstract
The concept of collective memory refers to a social group that shares its memories seeking the meanings of the past from the position, of domination or oppression, of the sectors that comprise it, with which it aims to influence the construction of the social world. The efforts to recover experiences can be analyzed with the theoretical proposal defined as memory work. In Latin America, different States have implemented memory work, while in the Salvadoran case, communities organized in various places in the country have undertaken strategies for the reconstruction of historical memory. To understand part of this experience, historical memory is approached from the perspective of people who make up the teams of memory museums in El Salvador, in particular, their conceptions about memory, the objectives they pursue with memory museums and activities. educational activities they have carried out.
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