Apuntes para una aproximación al análisis organizacional desde la perspectiva de Nobert Elias.
Análisis organizacional, Norbert Elias, Organizaciones civilizadas, Sociología configuracional, Organizational analysis, Civilized organizations, Configurational sociology.Abstract
This paper intends to present some reflections in an approach to the organizational analysis from the perspective of the thought of Nobert Elias. The main motivation emerges from the existing gap in the theoretical-methodological and empirical literature that bases the organizational analysis from the promising assumptions of figurational sociology centered on a model of the evolution of psychogenetic and psychosocial processes in interpersonal relationships of social reality, to fecundate the different theories of the organizations and to explain the social transformations. This analysis is derived from the reflections of the works The civilizing process and The Solitude of the Dying of Norbert Elias. It is conclude that the forms of organization of power in organizations are based on the degree of evolutionary psychogenetic and psychosocial development of individuals, in their interrelationships and conflicts with each other and with social practices in their specific context, to achieve certain levels of development ranging from societies with organizations and institutions in barbarism to civilized societies where power relations between individuals, organizations and the State are based on the full exercise of human, economic, civil, political and social rights.
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