Social and Intercultural Education for the 21st century New perspective from culture as a strategic value for


  • José Antonio Ninahuanca Abregú Maestrando en Gestión Cultural, Patrimonio y Turismo, USMP-U. Girona. Graduado en Sociología-UNFV. Posgrado en Gestión de la Cultura y la Comunicación-FLACSO. Diploma en RR.HH. con enfoque en talento humano. Especialización en gestión pública. Consultor, gestor y especialista


Sociedad, Educación, Interculturalidad, Desarrollo Humano Integral, Cultura como Valor estratégico, Society, Education, Interculturality, Integral Human Development, Culture as Strategic Value.


This paper is a proposal that seeks to travel a constant path of connection between the activities that populate conceptual imaginaries and everyday practices, which manifest themselves in their real dimension, when there is a fusion that goes beyond the operational and reductionist modes of education and interculturality. We seek to go through these through the mention of the itinerary of two referents from our Latin America that went beyond traditional formations for their integral human development: J.C. Mariátegui and J.M. Arguedas. This leads us to propose a proper matrix of interpretation and social analysis that is in tune with another proposal of the culture approach as a strategic value. All the foregoing, therefore, will be understood as a strong bet for the constant contribution to officialisms that make invisible an integral human development, which is directly related to social transformations.


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How to Cite

Ninahuanca Abregú, J. A. (2019). Social and Intercultural Education for the 21st century New perspective from culture as a strategic value for. Conjeturas Sociológicas, 6(17), 59–77. Retrieved from