Political exclusion in the State of Hidalgo ; México; from the National Discrimination Survey 2010


  • Carlos Mejía Reyes Profesor-investigador de tiempo completo Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo.
  • Elsa Ortiz Ávila Profesora-investigadora de tiempo completo Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo ; México.


Discriminación política, Estado de Hidalgo, México, partidismo, Political discrimination, State of Hidalgo, Mexico, partyism.


The political plurality in Mexico is visibly more extended than in previous decades ; this is perceived in the partisan political representation of the governmental instances as well as in the preferences that the citizens profess. These features make up some pillars that modern democracy ; theoretically ; requires for its consolidation. However ; the differences in political position among citizens means that some sectors discriminate against others ; to the extent that this attitude is considered as prohibited in national laws. In view of this ; we analyzed ; from the National Discrimination Survey 2010 ; the exclusionary tendencies of informants from Hidalgo comparatively to the rest of the entities and showed the probability of orientations towards this practice based on basic socioeconomic variables.


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How to Cite

Mejía Reyes, C., & Ortiz Ávila, E. (2019). Political exclusion in the State of Hidalgo ; México; from the National Discrimination Survey 2010. Conjeturas Sociológicas, 6(17), 116–142. Retrieved from https://revistas.ues.edu.sv/index.php/conjsociologicas/article/view/1460