Race and Racism in Two Neighbouring Countries

The Personal experience of Three Mexican Migrants Women


  • A. Ninel Carreón García


Raza, racismo, migración, identidad, nacionalismo


This essay explores how the notion of race and the phenomenon of racism develops when there’s a change in state policies, as experienced by three Mexican women upon emigrating to the United States. Hence the necessity to briefly address the concepts of race and racism in general, emphasizing the differences Mexico and the United States have made in the historical and ideological construction of these concepts, within the framework of their structure as a nation-state. And additionally, how these ideological structures have marked the experience of the three migrant women in relation to the phenomenon of racism in the United States


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How to Cite

Carreón García, A. N. (2020). Race and Racism in Two Neighbouring Countries: The Personal experience of Three Mexican Migrants Women. Conjeturas Sociológicas, 8(22), 95–112. Retrieved from https://revistas.ues.edu.sv/index.php/conjsociologicas/article/view/1544


