Speaking of knowledge and cultural persistence



Traditional knowledge, interculturality, yoreme-mayo, cultural persistence, horizontality.


Knowledge and cultural persistence are two concepts that must always be accompanied in the discussion of intercultural dialogue Giving voice to the subject that is forever seen as the object of study is undoubtedly to pay in a responsible intercultural translation from the interpretation of the world seen from a plurality of culture and existence as Boaventura de Sousa Santos mentions "an ecology of knowledge. The experiences that the native peoples keep among and for themselves as a product of their relationship with mother earth have built knowledge that, in spite of the epistemological patriarchy of the West, has transcended very much, in spite of the fact that some scientific academies give it the qualification of knowledge. If there is one thing that the native peoples have learned, it is to transcend, this alone means centuries of struggle for persistence both as a people and for the accumulation of knowledge that in many cases is protected and transmitted orally from generation to generation. This distancing of the sciences from nature has caused very serious environmental imbalances. In current times, humanity is suffering from one of the most severe health crises in its history. For the Yoreme Mayo people of northern Sinaloa, the importance of knowledge is a way to reconnect with their spirit, to a reconciliation based on harmonious and reciprocal respect that allows for a healthy coexistence between man and nature.


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Author Biography

Teodoro Lugo Tapia, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, México

Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, campus El Fuerte, Sinaloa


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How to Cite

Romero Leyva, F. A., & Lugo Tapia, T. (2021). Speaking of knowledge and cultural persistence. Conjeturas Sociológicas, 9(26). Retrieved from https://revistas.ues.edu.sv/index.php/conjsociologicas/article/view/2078