The art of writing and writing in theater art: its teaching at the University of the Arts in Cuba


  • Mayte Jiménez Rivero Universidad de las Artes en Cuba


art, writing, process, theater and self-revision


In this text the art of writing is assumed as the process of creation that is followed as in any work of art. On the other hand, in theatrical art, writing is also a way of artistic expression in which the word is used as the main tool. For what is proposed for the University of the Arts, specifically in the theater, a teaching based on the sciences that study the text, such as: semantics and semiotics, syntax, as well as pragmatics. So the main objective pursued is to reflect on how to write is art and how in theatrical art and others are also needed to recreate, with written words, life. In addition, the process of construction of written texts is reflected as a way forward by every writer in order to achieve a successful work of art or a good critical text, but without it becoming a schematic route and limiting artistic creation. We analyze the reasons why it is more difficult to write than to speak and the theatrical criticism is approached with a view, from the semantic and pragmatic. Finally, experiences presented by the speaker in a course given to students of Theology and Dramaturgy in which the essay writing and self-review of the essay as a literary genre have been presented.


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Author Biography

Mayte Jiménez Rivero, Universidad de las Artes en Cuba

Licenciada en Pedagogía en la especialidad de Español-Literatura, Máster en Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesora invitada del Programa Interdisciplinario de Doctorado en Educación de las Facultades Multidisciplinarias de Occidente y Oriente, en la Universidad de El Salvador. Vicedecana de Postgrado y de Investigación de la Facultad del Arte Teatral de la Universidad de las Artes en Cuba



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How to Cite

Jiménez Rivero, M. (2021). The art of writing and writing in theater art: its teaching at the University of the Arts in Cuba. Conjeturas Sociológicas, 9(26). Retrieved from



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