Approaches to the platform economy from Marxist theory



Platform economy, Employed, Labor market, Forms of work, Atypical work


The phenomenon of digital platforms has existed worldwide for about 10 years, which is one of the biggest disruptions in the world of work. However, the information related to the forms of work that are carried out through digital platforms is not included in official statistics, so it is invisible and falls into other categories, such as unpaid workers, self-employed workers, or under certain forms of employment. irregular work or informal workers. This research constitutes a theoretical vision of the changes that labor relations have undergone with the advancement of technology, a critical vision from Marxist theory for the understanding of the context through which work passes in the presence of this business model.


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Author Biography

Ileana Argentina Corea García, Universidad de Panamá

Licenciada en Economía. Licenciada en Finanzas y Banca. Especialista en Docencia Superior.
Becada del Programa INICIA Erasmus-Mundus y Maestranda en Ciencias sociales con énfasis en
Teorías y métodos de Investigación del IDEN- SENACYT 


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How to Cite

Corea García, I. A. (2023). Approaches to the platform economy from Marxist theory. Conjeturas Sociológicas, 11(31), 190–202. Retrieved from