La invisibilización de pequeños productores del periurbano rural en Olavarría (Bs As, Argentina)


  • María del Carmen Valerio Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad Multidisciplinaria Oriental. Sección de Sociología


Periurbano Rural, Territorialidad, Invisibilidad, Persistencia, PERI-URBAN RURAL, TERRITORIALITY, INVISIBILITY, PERSISTENCE.


This ethnographic work, tries to place in debate these problems: the peri-urban of Olavarría is rural, taking into account the speeches and the glances of olavarrians in general, about the social subjects and their activities in that territory? Do they establish a position of estigmatization and of disvalor to the moment to refer to the same ones? My hypothesis derives from the fact that exists an urban socio-cultural reproduction that emerges from some areas of the Political Power, bearing in mind that these are rural spaces of diverse small producers with lack of infrastructures for considering them to be neither urban nor rural, that do not answer to the so-called " progress" and they are like that “because they want ". It is necessary to visualize dialectical dichotomies, in a paradox of which the laws exist for the equality, but there are only declarative. In this context the invisibility becomes present from the hegemonic groups, because they do not consider that territoriality with their own logic; they know the problems and demands from an organization of constant collective political struggle, in a job of persistence. In view of the above, it is necessary to formulate mechanism of formalization and recognition to solve problems of interrelation conflicts.


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How to Cite

Valerio, M. del C. (2017). La invisibilización de pequeños productores del periurbano rural en Olavarría (Bs As, Argentina). Conjeturas Sociológicas, 5(12). Retrieved from


