Trabajo, Turismo y Sensibilidades


  • Luciana Martínez Albanesi Investigadora, Universidad de Buenos Aires


Ley 11.729 (Argentina), Vacaciones, Mecanismos de Soportabilidad Social, Turismo, Consumo Compensatorio, Law 11.729 (Argentina), Vacations, Mechanisms of Social Sustainability, Tourism, Compensatory Consumption.


This article proposes to make a first theoretical approach on the vacation phenomenon following its process of institutionalization and its implications regarding social conflict and consumption. Recovering some contributions of the Sociology of Emotions and Bodies, we will start with a brief historical cut that will have the focus placed on the high level of conflict of the decade of the '30, context, where it is produced for the first time in our country, the association between tourism and the world of work under the investiture of a social right: institutionalizing, formalizing and regulating in law 11.729. With it, the worker is granted a period of paid rest, so that he can recover from the psychophysical fatigue involved in the productive system that employs him. We will continue with a retrospective reading from the framework of the Political Economy of Morals using as a rail one of the continuities of capitalism, namely: its interest in bodies that produce and consume. And by way of closure we will inscribe the vacation phenomenon in its double implication in the field of the Mechanisms of Social Sustainability and Compensatory Consumption.


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How to Cite

Martínez Albanesi, L. (2018). Trabajo, Turismo y Sensibilidades. Conjeturas Sociológicas, 6(15), 146–162. Retrieved from


