Causas más comunes de la violencia intrafamiliar en el municipio de Metapán



Violence, Intrafamily, Causes, Victim


Objective: Identify the most common causes of intrafamily violence and in whom it occurs most frequently in the municipality of Metapán. Method: using the logical deductive method, it seeks to identify the most common causes of intrafamily violence in the municipality of Metapán, as well as the most frequent sex, level of education and age range of the victims. Results: identification of the most common causes, behaviors and characteristics of intrafamily violence in the municipality of Metapán, during the years 2019, 2020 and 2021, the most common causes being jealousy, economic problems, lack of compliance with obligations towards children, infidelity, intolerance problems and use of social networks. Conclusion: a description of age, sex, educational level of the victims and aggressors is made, types of violence that occur more frequently and above all the most common causes of intrafamily violence are identified, these being jealousy, economic problems, lack of compliance with obligations towards children, infidelity, problems of intolerance and use of social networks, as well as analyzing that during the years 2020 and 2021 there was an increase in complaints received of Domestic Violence in the justices of the peace of the municipality of Metapán and this due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, since somehow there was more coexistence between victims and aggressors.


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Author Biography

  • Evelyn Elizabeth Rodríguez Mazariego, Universidad de El Salvador

    Maestría Derecho Penal Económico


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How to Cite

Causas más comunes de la violencia intrafamiliar en el municipio de Metapán. (2023). Revista Multidisciplinaria De Investigación - REMI, 1(2), 81-88.