The organization of the educational process and its influence on the factors associated with student dropout




educational organization, student dropout, study plan, psychosocial factors


Objective: to analyze the organization of the educational process of the psychology career and its influence on the factors associated with student desertion.  Methodology: quantitative in nature and the approach has a non-experimental cross-sectional design. In non-experimental research, phenomena are observed as they occur in the natural context to analyze them later, existing situations are observed that occur in the independent variable and there is no control over it, it is of transversal type because the collection is committed of data in a single instance and is not tracked; It is of a correlational nature, since the purpose is to know the relationship between the research variables, the type of study is non-experimental, cross-sectional with a relational and explanatory methodology. Results: it is evident that the psychosocial factors of university academic desertion are associated with the organization of the educational process and this is related to the relevance factor of the curriculum and study plans, so that students who abandon their studies are due to the little understanding of the content reviewed in class, since this generates frustration and demotivation, as well as socialization problems within the university.  Conclusions: students drop out of their studies due to poor understanding of the content reviewed in class, since this generates frustration and demotivation, as well as socialization problems within the university; Another of the factors of student desertion is the lack of interest in studies due to inadequate or outdated practices of teachers, this in turn is linked to discouragement and demotivation due to teaching practice and its poor relationship with students.


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How to Cite

The organization of the educational process and its influence on the factors associated with student dropout. (2023). Revista Multidisciplinaria De Investigación - REMI, 2(1), 33-47.