The influence of the Cordoba Reform on the University of El Salvador and its current situation




nutritional assessment, pregnancy, nutritional status, nutritional requirements, individual care plan


The objective of this article is to inform health professionals who care for women during pregnancy, the basic elements of nutritional assessment and its application in prenatal care;  For this, the synthetic analytical method was used, for the purposes of compiling information and gathering sufficient evidence in order to establish the points of reflection and attention;  The results indicate that in order to assess the nutritional care process of the pregnant woman, it is necessary to take into account her pre- and conceptional nutritional status.  Subsequently, it must be evaluated in a detailed and individualized manner, calculating its caloric, macro and micronutrient nutritional requirements embodied in a nutritional scheme, taking into account economic factors, eating habits and economic resources of the population that is served; therefore, it is concluded that it is necessary to establish the appropriate training lines in the student to be able to carry out their instruction process.


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How to Cite

The influence of the Cordoba Reform on the University of El Salvador and its current situation. (2023). Revista Multidisciplinaria De Investigación - REMI, 2(1), 175-179.