The concept of social class, dimensions and transformations


  • Roberto Briceño Jiménez Universidad Autónoma de Honduras


Intension, Extension, Social class, Ideal types, Class consciousness


In this presentation I propose to dimension defining the concept of social classes with reference to the authors of the concept and the propositional meaning or analytical and explanatory property of the concept in perspectives that go from abstraction to the concretion or objectification that would result from research processes of the changes in the structural relations that constitute the contemporary historical social system.  I expose the conceptual dimensions of social classes of the authors of sociological paradigms from the conceptual and propositional arguments in logical perspective of Mario Bunge. It is intended to argue that its conceptual logic is relative to formal theoretical-methodological structures that condition criteria of truth in scientific research in a propositional or logical sense.  Show that the concept of social classes is pertinent to describe and explain antagonistic relationships in totality of social structures, in processes of transformation, not limited analytical units separated or reified by positivist or functionalist structural perspectives


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How to Cite

Briceño Jiménez, R. (2022). The concept of social class, dimensions and transformations. Conjeturas Sociológicas, 10(27), 47–61. Retrieved from


