Digital Competencies due to the Offices´ Virtualization in the New Digital Society
Digital skills, Virtualization, Digital society, GlobalizationAbstract
The main objective of this article is to show how the Universidad Nacional of Costa Rica though the careers Administración de Oficinas and Educación Comercial has promoted the development of digital skills among students. This evolution responds to the new requirements of social communication, collaborative work, planning, and information management in both public and private offices following the voluntary or mandatory virtualization of organizations. The research, utilizing a mixed-methods approach and a phenomenological perspective, involved the participation of eighteen students of the bachelor's degrees in the mentioned fields. These students were enrolled in the Digital Technologies course at the time of their participation. The study revealed the essential need to develop digital competencies to meet the demands of the employement market, which is increasingly immersed in the virtualization of processes, aligning with the needs of a globalized society
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