Project Based Learning (PBL) for the construction of Significant Knowledge in UPN 061
Constructivism, meaningful learning, educating in projects, socio-educational intervention and indigenous communitiesAbstract
The present research work was developed in Unit 061 of the National Pedagogical University (UPN), located in the municipality of Villa de Álvarez in the state of Colima, Mexico, and is the result of the construction of a diagnosis carried out by the students. of the second semester of the Bachelor's Degree in Educational Intervention (LIE), of the line in Education for Young People and Adults (EPJA), having as study subjects migrants from the Mixteca Community, who live in the La Estancia neighborhood, the capital city, in which they identified various problems, mainly educational and health, which configured the intervention project "Educate young and adult Mixtec migrants in health in La Estancia, Colima", through which the student group guided by the teachers, applied various research tools and techniques and designed an intervention plan, with the purpose of configuring and building significant knowledge as part of their practices in professional training, strengthening the anticipated development of knowledge regarding experience in observation, research, drawing up proposals for solutions, intervention, evaluation and improvement of the social context, since the group is made up of students in the first year of the EPJA / Education for Young People and adults) who in their normal course of the program , these types of activities are developed as part of the degree curriculum up to the third grade, this exercise allowed students to get closer to their field of professional development.
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