The difficulties around research in Social Sciences for women researchers at BUAP
Difficulties, women, researchers, BUAP, Covid-19Abstract
Although research in Social Sciences entails certain difficulties inherent to the research process itself, such as collecting interviews or field work, there are also difficulties within the academy itself. There are certain barriers to the full participation of women both in the research itself and in management positions and as leaders, which is sometimes overcome with recognition of the researcher's career. In this regard, there are notable cases. However, in the same academy, women are still considered through different perspectives in relation to men: from the way they obtain their position or assignment, about their development in teaching, to criticism of their promotions or their different productions, not only by their classmates, but also by their colleagues. Covid-19, throughout the pandemic, has exacerbated many of these difficulties, not to mention what is happening in the life of the researcher in the private sphere. For this reason, the article will present the multiple difficulties that women researchers face, but it will also propose ways for them to achieve greater visibility and incorporation within research, such as accompaniment to young researchers, in order to achieve greater quantity, but also quality, around research done by women.
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