

Empowerment, Human rights, Guarantee of rights


This study analyzes legally, sociologically and from the perspective of human rights what is the relationship between the empowerment of the members of the Rural Women’s Committees of the municipality of Atiquizaya and the guarantee of their human rights. To achieve these objectives, a methodological design framed in the quantitative approach has been proposed, seeking to verify or not the hypotheses raised. The results obtained or achieved with the application of the constructed instrument, based on the theoretical contributions reviewed, allowed us to conclude and find as a finding the relationship, association or correlation between both variables and thus verify the hypotheses raised, that is to say that there is indeed a positive relationship between empowerment and guarantee of their human rights. Also, the positive relationship between empowerment and the guarantee of women’s fundamental human rights, such as autonomy, economic well-being, gender equality and political participation, was noted.


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Author Biographies

  • Tatiana Guillén, Universidad de El Salvador

    Maestra en educación de derechos humanos para la paz, Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Occidente

  • Diego Ruiz

    Maestro en educación de derechos humanos para la paz, Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Occidente


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How to Cite

EL EMPODERAMIENTO DE LAS MUJERES RURALES DE ATIQUIZAYA PARA LA GARANTÍA DE SUS DERECHOS HUMANOS. (2022). Revista Multidisciplinaria De Investigación - REMI, 1(1), 23-34. https://revistas.ues.edu.sv/index.php/remi/article/view/2453