Dibujo asistido por computadora desde la perspectiva docente
CAD, Architecture, Computer DrawingAbstract
Objective: To analyze the perception of the Educational Sector regarding Computer Aided Drawing in the resolution of projects incorporated in the training of the Architecture student of the University of El Salvador in Santa Ana, El Salvador. Method: it is a research with a quantitative approach, based on the logical-deductive method, whose purpose was to know the opinion of the teachers of the Architecture career, regarding the use of CAD systems both in the student sector and in the teaching sector. Results: the results of the work showed that Assisted Drawing by Computer is a fundamental element of the teaching process in the Architecture career, which, like any available resource, has advantages and disadvantages from the different application scenarios. Conclusion: The teacher’s perception of CAD systems in the teaching and learning process, offers a starting point for the formulation of strategies that incorporate the architect’s own digital tools in the virtual environments that characterize education today.
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