Características del aprendizaje grupal, aprendizaje cooperativo y aprendizaje colaborativo en la universidad
Group learning, Cooperative learning, Collaborative learningAbstract
Objective: The objective of this research is to establish the characteristics of group learning, cooperative learning and collaborative learning as it can guide university teaching practices when working in classroom or subject groups. Method: The theoretical method used was the synthetic analytic, with which a characterization of the different learning under study and the development of each other was achieved. Results: the main results obtained were to achieve the characterization of the way students learn when they work in groups, from the conception of group, cooperative and collaborative learning. Conclusion: to achieve learning objectives in a changing world such as the current one, an evolution in group practices in the classroom must be considered, in such a way that students not only work in groups but also learn to negotiate and establish their own objectives through of collaboration for cognitive, social and affective development, becoming architects of their own learning
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