Incubation of chicken eggs using homemade incubators
factor, treatment, analysis of variance (ANOVA)Abstract
OBJETTIVE: optimize the hatching of chicken eggs through the use of homemade incubators. METHOD: an experimental design of two factors is considered, material from which the incubator will be built and the soaking factor, the previous factors will be applied to 8 fertile eggs in each of the 9 treatments. The materials for the incubators are considered, cardboard, plastic and durapax, each of them will be introduced with an incandescent bulb that will generate the necessary heat for incubation and as for the soaking factor, it will be applied: medium, one and two soaks in a period of 24 hours, maintaining the temperature inside the incubators between 35°C-37.5°C during the twenty-one to twenty-three days that a chicken egg needs to hatch. The number of eggs hatched in each treatment will be taken and analyzed by means of a variance analysis if there is a significant difference between the treatments and the best treatment will be recommended. RESULTS: after the recommended period for hatching, hatches were not obtained in all treatments, taking the number of eggs hatched in each of the treatments, we proceeded to analyze the variances between the treatments and detect possible variabilities. CONCLUSION: based on the analysis of variances, it is detected that, to hatch eggs using home incubators, the best treatment is the one that uses durapax as incubator material and soaking medium in a period of 24 hours.
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