Aesthetic culture, culture in health: a dialogue of knowledge beyond terminological precision




education, pedagogy, aesthetics, health


Health is a fundamental part of the life of the human being, and is strongly linked to beauty, there is a very close relationship between looking and feeling good, projecting well-being, enjoying an excellent physical, mental and social state; since this allows the subject to interact fully and efficiently in the different social spheres. As the school is one of the main socializing agencies for the achievement of health, beauty and culture, a great responsibility falls on the pedagogical professional to draw a series of guidelines to develop in the students the aesthetic culture and culture in health, creating awareness of how these two elements allow the full and integral development of the human being.


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How to Cite

Aesthetic culture, culture in health: a dialogue of knowledge beyond terminological precision. (2023). Revista Multidisciplinaria De Investigación - REMI, 2(1), 147-153.