About the Journal

Definition of the Journal

Revista Derecho, published by the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences of the University of El Salvador, is an annual publication with the purpose of creating a space for academic discussion on topics of interest in the field of Legal Sciences.



  1. Disseminate original and unpublished research, jurisprudential studies, and academic papers developed by the national or international legal community.

  2. Promote research within the university community, especially among students, graduates, and professionals in the field of Legal Sciences.


Frequency mention

Revista Derecho is an annual publication, released in November.


Research areas

Revista Derecho publishes academic articles in the field of Legal Sciences, which may focus on various areas:

  1. Political Science
  2. Private and Procedural Law
  3. Criminal Law
  4. Public Law


Revista Derecho represents a platform that incorporates the academic work of teachers, students, as well as nationally and internationally recognized professionals and researchers, encompassing a broad spectrum of the academic community. This dissemination platform is established with the purpose of promoting and facilitating the spread of knowledge in areas of significance for both the national and international legal landscape, contributing to the debate on current issues and offering solutions from an academic perspective.


Within its pages, a variety of valuable contributions are intertwined, ranging from academic articles delving into essential topics in Legal Sciences to meticulous research shedding light on current and significant issues. Additionally, the journal welcomes presentations and other formats that enrich the discussion and comprehensive understanding of the discipline in its various manifestations.



The School of Legal Sciences of the University of El Salvador, with a determined commitment to raising academic standards through research encouragement, aspires to play an active role in the constantly evolving analysis demanded by national and international legal issues. Within this framework, the journal is presented as a vehicle for the dissemination of works generated by students, teachers, and professionals. These individuals, guided by a dedicated focus on academic advancement, delve into exploring a variety of phenomena that have a direct impact on the future of the legal world and ultimately influence the daily lives of those who interact with it.


In a context where the law plays a fundamental role as the foundation of justice and equity, the efforts of these individuals contribute to weaving the fabric that shapes the legal and social framework of countries. Through rigorous research and sharp analysis, the journal stands as a platform that honors and supports the pillars upon which legal education and understanding are built, seeking to make an academic contribution that impacts social life.