Expansion of Criminal Law, Delinquency and Crimes against the Socioeconomic Order


  • José Miguel Saravia Dueñas Universidad de El Salvador


Criminal law, Supra-individual legal assets, Socio-economic order, Globalization, Economic crime, White neck crime, Criminal liability of legal persons, Expansion of criminal law


The topics such as money laundering, crimes against the environment, criminal liability of companies and in general crimes against the economic order, these are accompanied with a phenomenon that has been emerging for some time, such as the globalization. This phenomenon has allowed criminality stop being a matter formerly it believed by criminology that only developed in the lowest spheres of society, but as it has evolved its study in criminal law, it has resolved the crimes committed by the so-called “criminal enterprise” and by the “delinquency of white neck or white glove” are as or even more harmful than the common crimes committed by common criminals, this evolution has meant a change of paradigm in the traditional criminal dogma and a broader technification and digitalization of common criminal modalities, making it necessary that the positive law of each country as the international organizations act to delete these practices. This evolution and change of thinking has necessitated the study of the real damage caused by crimes against the socioeconomic order, considering this damage not as an individual damage, to a specific person affected, but as a damage to supra-individual legal assets, which affect on a large scale and measure to the society collectivity. This approach reveals the modernization that criminal law has had and must have at national and international level and it is necessary to adopt in order to have

an effective defense against modern criminal trends.


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Author Biography

José Miguel Saravia Dueñas, Universidad de El Salvador

Master in Economic Criminal Law from the University of El Salvador, International Postgraduate in Business Law from the Higher Institute of Economics and Business and Business Administration ISEADE, and Bachelor of Legal Sciences from the University of El Salvador.


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How to Cite

Saravia Dueñas, José Miguel. 2020. “Expansion of Criminal Law, Delinquency and Crimes Against the Socioeconomic Order”. Revista Derecho 4 (1):81-98. https://revistas.ues.edu.sv/index.php/revder/article/view/1745.