Generating Fundamental Bases for the Introduction of Instruments or Mechanisms of Contractual Justice in Salvadoran Private Law


  • Miguel Ángel Veliz Pineda Universidad de El Salvador
  • Jessica María Trejo Brizuela Universidad de El Salvador
  • Karen Alejandra Beltrán Machón Universidad de El Salvador


Contractual justice, Role of the judge, Role of public administration, Interpretation of contracts, Control building contract


In the search to balance the contractual legal relations between the parts, in Europe and part of the ancient world, a new doctrine has been developed since 2015, which consists in introducing mechanisms to put in a state of equal parts who are in a contract, trying to limit the right of autonomy of the will and strengthen the Fundamental Rights of people to generate a relationship where they do not take advantage of the disadvantages or lack of knowledge or education of the weakest part.The article presented is divided in such a way that the reader can clearly determine the challenges that exist to moralize the current Salvadoran private law.


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Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel Veliz Pineda, Universidad de El Salvador

Degree in Legal Sciences, graduated with honors from the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences of the University of El Salvador, with complementary studies in Civil and Commercial Procedural Law, International Humanitarian Law, Right of Access to Public Information, on financial products and pensions , money and asset laundering and the Financial System; as well as holder of recognitions on the part of the University of El Salvador and International Organizations.

Jessica María Trejo Brizuela, Universidad de El Salvador

Degree in Legal Sciences, graduated with honors from the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences of the University of El Salvador, with complementary studies in Labor Law, Administrative Law, Banking and Stock Market Law, Resources in Civil and Commercial Procedural Law, and Forensic Medicine, in addition to being recognized by the University of El Salvador, and the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of El Salvador.

Karen Alejandra Beltrán Machón, Universidad de El Salvador

Degree in Legal Sciences, graduated with honors from the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences of the University of El Salvador, with complementary studies in Oral Techniques in the civil and commercial process, Criminalistics in the fiscal function, Forensic Medicine, Constitutional Law and Maritime Law, as well as holder of recognition by the University of El Salvador and the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of El Salvador.


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How to Cite

Veliz Pineda, Miguel Ángel, Jessica María Trejo Brizuela, and Karen Alejandra Beltrán Machón. 2020. “Generating Fundamental Bases for the Introduction of Instruments or Mechanisms of Contractual Justice in Salvadoran Private Law”. Revista Derecho 4 (1):99-135.