Intellectual property, copyrights and the era of new technologies in El Salvador


  • José Miguel Saravia Dueñas Universidad de El Salvador


Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development, Property Law, Moral Law, Software, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Registration, Patent


Intellectual property has been the object of protection by legal bodies throughout history since the appearance of the printing press, from the most basic manifestations of the expression of human ideas, to the great technological advances of the digital era in which we live today, these are the object of intellectual property protection, more specifically speaking of computer programs or software, which have had their greatest impact in the so-called fourth industrial revolution; this fourth industrial revolution is the one that, through the information technologies, promotes the business activity turning the intangible assets into goods of high economic value for the mercantile societies, but this right that empowers the intellectual property, has certain characteristics that must be met in order to be able to provide this protection. There is no single position as to the nature of copyright protection, forming eclectic positions as to it, but what all positions can be similar is their determination to protect the author’s inventive effort and its need for protection. In the commercial relations of the trader, intellectual property becomes a determining factor in its expansion and opening to new technological and globalizing markets, intellectual property becomes vital to maintain the competitive advantages in the irruption of these new digital markets.


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Author Biography

José Miguel Saravia Dueñas, Universidad de El Salvador

Degree in Legal Sciences and Master in Economic Criminal Law from the University of El Salvador; Postgraduate degrees in: Applied Finance and Business Law, by the Higher Institute of Economics and Business Administration (ISEADE); Certified Financial Crimes Specialist by the Association of Certified Financial Crimes Specialists, ACFCS of Los Angeles California, United States of America, 2019.


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How to Cite

Saravia Dueñas, José Miguel. 2021. “Intellectual Property, Copyrights and the Era of New Technologies in El Salvador”. Revista Derecho 5 (1):51-71.