Justice policy, citizen security and coexistence in perspective: A critical analysis of the causes of violence and insecurity in El Salvador


  • Luis Eduardo Ayala Figueroa Universidad de El Salvador


Security Citizen Policy, Violence, Insecurity, Criminality, Insurance El Salvador Plan, National Strategy for Violence Prevention


In a brief and concise way, this article presents a study of the most determinants in the generation of violence and crime in El Salvador from a Latin American approach in the first instance, then an analysis at the sub regional level is developed and eventually the phenomenon is studied at the State level. The method used allows a review of the most illustrative data of the Salvadoran landscape during the last two administrations (2009 - 2014) and (2014 to present), a temporal delimitation is due solely to their vision and common political platform, i.e, because it’s about progressive governments court and that currently have exercised the institutional political power. In that sense, the socio-economic, institutional political factors are described in some detail and legal variables affecting the manifestations of crime and the most characteristic aspects of Citizen Security Policy that seeks to combat it, all with the aim for finding factors that may be susceptible to improvement, particularly in a context marked by the rampant increase in homicides in El Salvador.


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Author Biography

Luis Eduardo Ayala Figueroa, Universidad de El Salvador

Degree in Legal Sciences and Master in Political Sciences, during the recent years to the publication of this article he served as Coordinator of the Research Unit of the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences of the University of El Salvador. He is currently a University Professor in the Chairs of Political Science and State Theory.


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How to Cite

Ayala Figueroa, Luis Eduardo. 2016. “Justice Policy, Citizen Security and Coexistence in Perspective: A Critical Analysis of the Causes of Violence and Insecurity in El Salvador”. Revista Derecho 2 (1):65-94. https://revistas.ues.edu.sv/index.php/revder/article/view/2065.