General-preventive purposes in the compliance with the prison penalty in El Salvador. Part I


  • Moris Edgardo Landaverde Hernández Tribunal de Ética Gubernamental


Prison sentence, Purposes of the penalty, Progressive system, System and prison benefits, Right to resocialization


 Inside criminal discipline have established specific theories studying the penalty as the main legal consequence of crime that are currently the subject of discussion. In the Salvadoran legal field, the Constitution according its article 27 paragraph 3, regulates the principle of resocialization, which tends its effects to the penitentiary environment interpreted by more than one as the constitutional establishment of the Special preventive purposes of penalty. Notwithstanding the above, the generalpreventive purposes are always fitted in Salvadorian legal order. This has caused some tension between both purposes at the time of the criminal commination through legislative reform, the application of the rule with the respective sentence or the penal execution through the enforcement of the penalty, which has not always been balance, but that has private one at the expense of the other.


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Author Biography

Moris Edgardo Landaverde Hernández, Tribunal de Ética Gubernamental

Lawyer, professor of Oral Litigation Techniques and Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Salvadoran University Alberto Masferrer (USAM). Bachelor of Legal Sciences and Master in Constitutional Criminal Law from the Central American University “José Simeón Cañas ”(UCA). Writer of the Virtual Magazine Enfecto Jurídico. He is currently working as Legal Collaborator of the Government Ethics Tribunal.


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How to Cite

Landaverde Hernández, Moris Edgardo. 2018. “General-Preventive Purposes in the Compliance With the Prison Penalty in El Salvador. Part I”. Revista Derecho 3 (1):67-104.