
  • Revista Derecho
    Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023)

    In this volume, valuable articles from the academic staff of the Faculty, foreign jurists, and alumni of this institution are included; each of them, with scientific rigor, reflect, analyze, and propose current and significant topics, constituting an important contribution to the construction and analysis of knowledge in favor of the legal community. All the articles contained are valuable learning resources for anyone who reads them; moreover, they challenge and encourage academic irreverence to question such knowledge, aiming to refute, modify, or embrace it, and build new learnings upon them.

  • Revista Derecho
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)

    In Revista Derecho Vol. 6, corresponding to November 2022 and presented in December, the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences of the University of El Salvador, through its editorial label Aequus, includes valuable research articles from national and international academic staff, as well as students and alumni of this institution. In these articles, with scientific rigor, they reflect upon, analyze, and propose current and legally significant topics. Therefore, we have no doubt that they constitute a significant contribution to the legal community in general and to our own in particular.

  • Revista Derecho
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021)

    In this edition of Revista Derecho, the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences of the University of El Salvador, through its editorial seal, incorporates valuable research articles from our academic staff, children of this house of studies, students and of friends of this; in which, with scientific rigor, they reflect on current and important issues; Therefore, we do not doubt that they constitute an important contribution to the national legal community.

  • Revista Derecho
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020)

    To conclude the year 2020, the fourth edition of Revista Derecho is presented in a digital format. The dissemination of academic knowledge must seek new avenues for promotion and sharing with the student and legal professional community, not only at a national level but now also at an international level, with the open access provided by new publishing technologies. Revista Derecho has emerged as an opportunity for students, teachers, and legal professionals to develop their research potential and contribute new knowledge that opens up public debate on topics of interest. This edition includes four academic articles, a historical-legal study, and two presentations by distinguished faculty members from our school, all of which enrich the legal knowledge of the journal's readers.

  • Revista Derecho
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2018)

    The Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences, in its efforts to promote, produce, and disseminate academic content through Revista Derecho, is pleased to present, for the year 2018, a new edition of its prestigious publication. The articles within, covering a wide range of legal subjects, will undoubtedly pique the interest and capture the attention of the student, faculty, and professional community. These articles are intended to expand knowledge on contemporary topics and stimulate discussion about the evolution of certain legal institutions and theories in the world of law, especially concerning their application in Latin American contexts and, of course, within our own national reality.

  • Revista Derecho
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016)

    In this edition of Revista Derecho, studies and articles with novelties are presented. On the one hand, there are topics of great relevance in the national legal field, one of which has been written by a student from the School of Legal Sciences. On the other hand, for the first time, we are including an article of great significance in the field of international relations.

  • Revista Derecho
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015)

    Revista Derecho, of the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences, in line with its mission as a higher education institution dedicated to training professionals with a strong critical and proactive capacity to consolidate the Rule of Law, Peace, and Democracy in Salvadoran society, and to contribute to problem-solving and scientific development in our country, presents four academic articles and one legal study.