The sea in smithereens


  • Laura Sanvicente-Añorve Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Flying fish,, Pelicans,, Dolphins,, contamination,, overexploitation,


During his evening promenades, a walker finds a paper with a small poem dedicated to a marine animal, whose identity is not known. To solve the riddle, the walker looks for his friend the octopus and together they elucidate about the problem. Along with this, the friends reflect on the main threats that men exert on the oceans and the importance of creating conservation measures.


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Why do dolphins jump? [accesado 2024 Enero 5].

How brown pelicans dive after fish without breaking their necks [accesado 2023 Diciembre 15].





Narratives and Short Notes for Environmental Education

How to Cite

The sea in smithereens. (2024). Scientific Outreach Magazine AQUACIENCIA, 3(1), 20-23.